terça-feira, 22 de outubro de 2013

Chamada para seminários do LabES - dia 23/10/2013

Olá Pessoal,

Seguem as informações do próximo seminário do LabES.

Data: 23/10/2013
Local: Sala 4-001 no ICMC/USP
Horário: 17h

Seminário 01:
Nome: Faimison Porto
Título: Generation of checking sequences using identification sets.
Resumo: Finite state machine-based testing aims at generating checking sequences that guarantee the conformance between the implementation and the specification of a system. For that purpose, several methods have been proposed to generate checking sequences which ensure full coverage of possible faults in the implementation. Many existing methods are based on a special sequence, called distinguishing sequence, which does not exist for every minimal machine. Some methods are based on characterization sets since they exist for every machine. However, these methods generate checking sequences exponentially long. In this paper, we propose a method to generate checking sequences using identification sets. These sets exist for every minimal FSM and also lead to shorter checking sequences. We conducted an experimental study to compare the proposed method with the existing methods. The results show that on average our method generates checking sequences 31,7% to 99,9% shorter than the ones produced by existing methods.

Seminário 02:
Nome: Thiago Gottardi
Título: Model-Based Reuse for Crosscutting Frameworks: Assessing Reuse and Maintenance Effort
Resumo: New possibilities emerged after the advent of aspect-oriented programming and many frameworks were designed taking into account the new abstractions. Among these reuse techniques, Crosscutting Frameworks (CF) are aspect-oriented frameworks developed to encapsulate a single crosscutting concerns. However, the proposed CFs employ white-box  strategies in their reuse process, what requires a substantial technical skills during the process, such as knowing the programming language, architectural details and internal nomenclature. To overcome this issue, we have proposed a model-driven approach to accelerate the reuse while hiding these complexities. Experiments were conducted to evaluate the approach. The results show an improvement of 97% in the productivity, however little difference was perceived concerning the effort for maintaining applications.

Contamos com a presença de todos!


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